Folsom Ants Are Dangerous, How Can Folsom Ant Control Help?

Many people see Folsom ants as little more than nuisance pests. However, ants are not just pests, they are dangerous pests. And there are hazardous ants in Folsom and throughout Sacramento County, California. But which of these pests are dangerous? And what are the dangers? Keep reading to learn more about dangerous ants in Folsom and the risks of having these pests in your home. And how can an ant exterminator help keep these pests out of your home?

What Dangers Does Ant Infestation Bring To Folsom, California?

In your home, ants are a threat to you and your household.There are several ways ants can endanger you and your home. Here is what you need to know. Ants can contaminate food, carry deadly pathogens, make you sick, destroy your property, and bite and sting you. Continue reading to learn more about each of these dangers.

Food Contamination

It may not surprise you that food contamination is the most significant risk with ant infestation. After all, food attracts these tiny pests. So, when ants find food in your home, many will contact it. Seeing ants crawling all over something creeps most people out, but it is not just gross. It is dangerous and can be deadly. Ants in your Folsom home can put you at risk through food contamination. here are several ways these nasty pests contaminate the food you and your pets eat.

Dangerous Pathogen Exposure

As ants search for food and moisture, putrid scents attract them to decaying roadkill, rotting garbage, and other germy, completely unsanitary places. These environments are full of hazardous pathogenic microorganisms that tiny insects can contact, bring into your home, and transfer to your food.

The insects then track pathogenic microorganisms from these contaminated environments to food. Ants also carry and transmit bacterial and fungal organisms that are serious disease pathogens. Pharaoh ants transmit extreme pathogenic microorganisms such as Salmonella, Staphylococcus, Clostridium, and Streptococcus.

The role of ants in the epidemiology of foodborne diseases in Folsom is scary. Taking proper precautions to prevent and combat ant infestations in your home is essential. Maintaining good hygiene and sanitation practices at home is critical. Exposure to significant diseases, including salmonella and streptococcus, poses extraordinary health risks to people. Seek professional medical assistance if anyone in your home becomes ill after being in contact with ants.

Foodborne Disease Organism Exposure From These Pests

Most people do not know much about ants and disease transmission. However, we all should remember that inside structures, ant foraging behavior is a quest for food and moisture – behavior that may take them to some less hygienic areas. Home ant infestations often pop up in bathrooms and kitchens.

Ants foraging inside your house can pick up bacteria living on the toilet and deposit it on your eating utensils. The transference will contaminate food and prep surfaces with various microbiological organisms. Knowing that ants are more severe than the nuisances they cause is essential. Suppose you are dealing with ant infestation; you should sanitize your home often and discard any food products infested with ants.

Ants also can transmit foodborne disease organisms. They contaminate food with infectious organisms such as E. coli, Shigella, and Salmonella. Keep reading to learn more about the dangers of the disease organisms above and other microbial pathogens ants can transfer to food.

E. coli

Most strains of E. coli or Escherichia coli are not dangerous. The bacteria help maintain digestive tract health and live in human intestines and inside the gut of some animals. Other strains of E. coli bacteria infect people consuming contaminated food or water. In these cases, strains can cause diarrhea, food poisoning, pneumonia, and urinary tract infections. About 80% of urinary tract infections are due to E. coli.

STEC versions of E. coli produce a toxin that damages the lining of your intestine – Shiga. Potentially lethal strains inflict abdominal cramps, vomiting, and bloody diarrhea. One of them is the leading cause of acute kidney failure in children. E. coli of this type can also cause life-threatening kidney failure in adults, along with symptoms like fever, bleeding, confusion, and seizures. Get emergency help if you or anyone else has any of these symptoms.

Salmonella spp.

The symptoms of salmonellosis can range from mild gastrointestinal issues to severe and life-threatening enteric fevers that require immediate antibiotic treatment. Recent outbreaks of this infection serve as a reminder that infectious disease surveillance and prevention programs need to improve globally to address this ongoing issue effectively.

Listeria spp.

Listeriosis is a severe infection people contract after eating food contaminated with Listeria spp. The infection primarily affects older adults, people with weakened immune systems, pregnant women, and newborns. People in other groups rarely get sick with Listeria infection.

When listeriosis occurs during pregnancy, the mother typically develops mild illness. The infection for the baby, however, is life-threatening. Miscarriage or stillbirth occurs in 20%, and newborn fatalities happen in 3% of cases, according to the Centers For Disease Control.

Similarly, Listeria exposure often does irrefutable harm to older adults and people with immune deficiencies. Most will require hospital care, developing severe sepsis, causing infections of the bloodstream or brain infections leading to meningitis or encephalitis. And about one in five people with the condition die.

Bacillus spp.

Bacillus spp. are spore-forming bacteria ubiquitous in the environment. B. cereus is a frequently named cause of toxin-induced acute gastroenteritis and other infections. For instance, sepsis, pneumonia, endocarditis, central nervous system (CNS), and ocular infections are due to this genus.

Folsom Home Property Damage

One Folsom ant species does severe property damage. It is the Carpenter ant, destroying wood and causing structural damage. Contrary to a common assumption, these ants do not eat wood. They tunnel through it, creating catacomb-like nests. The tunneling can cause the failure of floor joists or wall studs, leaving floors and ceilings sagging.

Some ants cause damage to homes as they build their nests. Many species will seek out areas with high moisture, including inside walls near water pipes. As ant colonies grow, they can cause many problems.

Tawny Crazy ants have an unnatural attraction to electrical junction boxes and can cause severe damage. Once inside, they chew through wiring, electrocuting themselves and emitting an “alarm” pheromone that attracts more ants. This cycle continues until dead ants block wires, causing electronics to malfunction and increasing fire risk. Infested states have already reported over $146 million in electrical damage. It is essential to keep these ants away from electrical wiring.

Fire ants also cause electrical malfunctions as some species gravitate to electrical machinery like air conditioners or traffic signals. Like the Tawny Crazy ant, Fire ants swarming an electrical device will cause damage when one ant is shocked, releasing a pheromone that attracts more and more ants. These pests can cause a short in your Folsom, California electrical system. yet another reason these pests are dangerous. It is essential to avoid having an ant problem. Local Pest Solutions has pest control services and ant prevention methods for your home. Contact us for a free pest control home inspection today.

Ants Are Insects That Can Bite And Sting

The third reason is that ants can deliver painful bites and stings. Argentine ants bite when they feel threatened, and though the bites can be painful, they are not dangerous. Carpenter ants make their bites more painful by injecting formic acid into their bites. However, their bites are not hazardous to your health.

Tawny Crazy ant bites are like Argentine ant bites. Velvety tree ant bites are like carpenter ants, injecting formic acid into the wound.

Fire ants are the most significant physical threat to humans. They are aggressive and do not bite; instead, they sting. If you disturb their colony, they can quickly swarm and sting you on your feet, ankles, and legs. Their stings are painful and typically form a red welt that turns into a white pustule. You may have a severe allergic reaction to their venom. If fire ants sting you, seek immediate medical attention.

Why Are Fire Ants Problem Pests In Folsom?

Fire ants are a problem because they are more dangerous than other ants. Not only will they destroy vegetation, but they can also harm people and damage things around your home.

Fire Ants Attack

Attacks on humans by colonies of fire ants have become a growing concern in the United States. Reports of fire ants attacking non-responsive residents like older adults and infants in healthcare facilities are rising. Fire ants will often gain access to buildings through HVAC systems. A few isolated incidents have resulted in fatalities. So, a reliable exterminator ant pest control specialist is important. At Local Pest Solutions, we offer ant control services to rid your property of ant infestation. Folsom homes need professional pest control experts to properly control ant populations.

Fire Ants Bite

The venom from a fire ant sting is potent and produces a burning feeling. When a fire ant stings you, it can be painful around the bite. You may also experience swelling and itching, and blisters filled with pus may appear and exist for several days. If you are allergic to the venom of fire ants, you may have trouble breathing and experience throat swelling. In the case of a severe allergic reaction, seek medical attention as soon as possible.

Fire ants sting by gripping the person they are stinging with their mandibles and then repeatedly plunging their stinger into the victim. They are venomous, and the effects range from rashes and red bumps to nausea to more severe reactions. This is one insect to avoid.

Control Bugs With Professional Pest Control

The most effective ant pest control service in Folsom is Local Pest Solutions. With years of pest control industry service experience, we offer quality control of pest problems to our customers. With our subscription pest control plans, our customers get the peace of mind that infestation will not return. Call us today for all of your pest control services and pest management needs.

Local Pest Solutions Pest Control Services

Keeping your home or business environment safe, clean, and free from pests is our top priority at Local Pest Solutions. We have a dedicated pest control team of skilled professionals committed to providing exceptional pest control service that ensures your satisfaction and safety. Trust us to be your pest control partner in creating a pest-free environment.

We understand how important it is to maintain a pest-free environment, whether it’s at home or work. Our team provides eco-friendly pest control services that are prompt, effective, and tailored to your specific needs. 

We take pride in offering customized pest control services to target your unique pest problems. Our expert team will assess your situation and develop a comprehensive pest control service plan to ensure that pests are eliminated and prevented from returning. 

At the same time, we prioritize safety by using environmentally friendly and non-toxic pest control to protect your family, pets, and property. Our highly trained and certified pest control technicians have the experience and expertise to deliver the highest quality service possible. We stand behind our pest control work and are committed to ensuring your satisfaction. We will not rest until your pest problem has a resolution, and you have a pest-free environment that you can enjoy.

The pest control services we offer include bed bug treatment, ant pest management, rodent control, and rodent removal. In addition, we offer spider pest control services, wasp and hornet pest control services, and flea and tick pest control services. 

Please contact the local commercial and home pest control services in Sacramento County. Local Pest Solutions, with 15 years in the industry, provides service to Folsom, Roseville, Vacaville, Elk Grove, Greater Sacramento, and surrounding communities and neighborhoods.