Roseville Wasps | Is A Wasp A Dangerous Pest?

Many flying insects in the Greater Roseville, CA area, may upset you when seeing them in or around your home or business. Roseville wasps are indeed one of these. Wasps can be terrifying to deal with because they can sting, and these stings can be quite painful and sometimes dangerous.

While most people know what wasps look like, they can sometimes be difficult to distinguish from other stinging insects such as bees. However, there are a couple of characteristics you can look for to tell wasps apart and remember that yellow jackets and hornets are just kinds of wasps. Now we will help you identify different types of wasps.

What does a wasp look like?

It is rare for people to confuse bees with wasps, as these two types of insects have distinct physical characteristics and behavior patterns. Wasps, have long, sleek, slender hairless bodies. On the other hand, bees have round furry, fuzzy bodies. Wasps are closely related to ants, and like ants, they have a segmented body with a tiny waist between their thorax and abdomen.

While Roseville wasps do not play as significant a role in pollination as bees, they effectively manage pests that can harm crops. Suppose you come across an insect that resembles a wasp, it may fly at you and follow you.  In that case, keep your distance and seek the assistance of a pest control expert. These flying pests are known for their aggression, can pose a significant threat to humans as they can sting multiple times without dying.

Wasps are not an issue unless they build their nests in your home or places of high traffic in your yard. Getting too close to wasp nests can be dangerous because, unlike bees, an individual wasp can sting multiple times. We do not recommend removing a wasp nest on your own. A professional wasp removal service will wear protective clothing and bonnets to approach the nest safely. Knowing what kind of species, you are dealing with can be helpful, and a pest control professional can handle these stinging pests.

Types of Local Wasps


1. Yellowjackets

There are three types of wasps are common in the greater Roseville, CA area. The first one we will discuss here is the yellowjacket. You may wonder what a yellowjacket wasp looks like?

The yellowjacket is a type of hornet and wasp that is usually half an inch long or less. They have bright yellow and black stripes around their body. Yellow jacket wasps build nests in caves, dead trees, walls, and underground. So, they are often hovering close to the ground around an entrance to their nests.

Often found buzzing around in groups near nests or dead animals, they are known to fly erratically back and forth in a jagged pattern. Overly aggressive, yellowjackets are territorial. And they aggressively defend their nests to include stinging multiple times if they feel threatened.

2. Paper Wasp

Paper wasps in Roseville build nests in protected areas, such as under eaves, branches, or pipes. They are not aggressive unless provoked.

3. Mud Daubers

Mud daubers build their nests on walls and ceilings and rarely sting or defend their nests.

4. Hornets

What does a hornet look like? Hornets are a sub-species of wasps. The European hornet is the only species in the United States. As the name suggests, they originated from overseas. This hornet is typically along the Mississippi River in the eastern part of North America. European hornets have reddish-brown wings and are approximately one inch in length. The abdomens are striped brown and yellow. These hornets are known for their aggressive behavior, especially when they perceive a disturbance with their nests.

Are Wasps That Dangerous?

While most people know that bees play an essential role in the environment, not as many people realize that wasps do as well. Wasps are also pollinators, making them critical members of the ecosystem. Plus, they can also help control populations of other small insects.

Wasps can be particularly dangerous because many species can sting and inject their venom multiple times. That means that even people who are not allergic to wasp venom can still end up with serious side effects and in the hospital.

How To Keep Wasps Away From Your Yard

Because wasps can put you and others around you in danger, it is a good idea to take steps to deter them. Overall, the most effective way to keep these stinging insects away is to remove or reduce the factors that attract them, such as access to food and water. These steps will help minimize the risk of wasps settling on your property. Still, they will not be enough to eliminate wasps already there. Here are some of the best measures to prevent wasps:

Can You Remove Wasps On Your Own?

If you have discovered wasps around your property, eliminating them alone is not advisable. Attempting to remove a nest is when you are most likely to have the insects sting you, and some wasps will even sting in swarms. It is not safe to attempt DIY wasp pet control.

Still, you can easily control these dangerous pests with the help of Local Pest Solutions. Our trained technicians will eliminate any current wasps and then apply ongoing treatment to keep them from returning. Call us today to get a free inspection.

Safely Remove Wasps and Hornets from Your Sacramento Property

Sacramento home and business owners know they can turn to us for the most effective solutions for wasp and hornet treatment and prevention. We designed our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) methodology to give you tailored treatment plans for fast and long-lasting results. Here is how IPM works for wasps and hornets:

Inspection and Identification: Our highly trained service professionals conduct a thorough inspection to identify the species of wasps or hornets, locate their nests, and assess the extent of the infestation. This information guides the development of a targeted treatment plan.

Customized Treatment Solutions: Local Pest Solutions develops tailored treatment strategies based on the specific needs of your home or business property. We deploy methods, including nest removal, insecticide application, and exclusion techniques, to eliminate existing nests and prevent future infestations.

Safe Practices: We must prioritize using safe wasp and hornet removal practices, minimizing risks to humans, pets, and beneficial insects while effectively targeting stinging pests.

Preventive Measures: Local Pest Solutions provides follow-up services to prevent future infestations, ensuring you never have to worry about wasps and hornets again. We also educate customers on how to seal entry points, remove attractants, and implement measures to deter wasps and hornets from returning.

Do You Need A Bee And Wasp Exterminator?

If a bee or wasp nest in your yard is away from high-traffic areas, they may not become a problem, and it may be best to leave them alone. Most bees and wasps will not bother you unless you threaten their nest. However, suppose their nest is not easy to avoid. In that case, get professional nest removal services, especially if it is one of the more aggressive species. A bee and wasp exterminator will know how to remove the nest safely.

The Importance Of Safe Bee And Wasp Nest Removal

Attempting to remove a bee, wasp, or hornet nest on your own is dangerous. Professional Roseville bee and wasp pest control and removal requires protective clothing and specialized techniques. Some nests may be challenging to access, and aerosol sprays do not fully penetrate. It is wise to trust experts who can identify the species and know the proper methods for safe nest removal.

Hornet And Wasp Removal In Roseville

Our professional pest control technicians provide quality pest management services at affordable prices. We ensure our professionals know the latest pest control methods. We provide top-notch service throughout the entire Sacramento Valley.

Contact us with your pest control needs when you encounter dangerous wasps like yellow jackets or more docile variety like the paper variety. Our Roseville wasp control specialists will provide you with a wasp inspection free of charge. Then, if we detect any pest issues, we will develop a pest elimination plan for your property. Part of our pest control plans include proven ways to avoid future pest infestations. Wasp dangers are something you and your family should understand.

Why Choose Local Pest Solutions?

We have been serving customers in the greater Sacramento and Roseville, CA  area since 2021. Our qualified technicians receive continuing education and training to keep their pest control knowledge current. We want our customers to be able to enjoy their homes without having any pest worries. We provide safe hornet and wasp pest control services at competitive rates. Rather than taking the risk of dealing with stinging insects alone, please, contact Local Pest solutions. We are here your for peace of mind.

Have you seen a bee or wasp nest in your home and yard? Give us a call or use our contact form so one of our technicians can come to look and suggest solutions. We welcome you to become our customer. We are happy to serve you as a customer with a one-time service for a pest problem. Like wasps in Roseville, for example.

Also, we invite you to look at our subscription pest control services. Our customer service is excellent and we guarantee our services, 100%.