Sacramento Cockroach Prevention Guide For Homeowners

Sacramento cockroach prevention tips can help you avoid a roach infestation. Possibly the worst infestation is a cockroach infestation. Notorious for being some of the most disgusting pests, roaches will invade any home, regardless of how clean or dirty it is. Their indifference is one of the most important reasons why professional pest control in Sacramento is so important; all homes are at risk for a cockroach infestation. Read on to learn what attracts cockroaches and how Local Pest Solutions can help your home become cockroach-free today!

What Cockroaches Live In Sacramento?

There are several different types of cockroaches in Sacramento, and it helps to be able to identify which ones have invaded your home. Below are the three most common types, as well as some distinctive characteristics:

  1. American cockroach: The largest species of roach, the American cockroach can grow up to three inches long. Both males and females have wings, allowing them to travel around your home easily. When looking for somewhere to set up shop, they will choose the warmest, most humid areas of your home.
  2. Oriental cockroach: This roach is also known as a ‘water bug.’ It has a smooth, shiny boy and is typically dark brown or black. Oriental roaches have a distinctive, musty smell that people describe as ‘powerful’ and ‘unpleasant.’
  3. German cockroach: This tan-colored roach typically has a white horizontal stripe running across its body. It is one of the more common types of roach, and while both males and females have wings, they are unlikely to use them to fly around. If you find a roach in your kitchen and pantry, it is likely a German cockroach.

While there are some other types of roaches, these ones are most likely to invade Sacramento homes. Regardless, all of them can spread harmful diseases to people, and professional Sacramento pest control is a must if roaches have invaded your home.

What Attracts Roaches To Sacramento Homes?

Most people think that if they have a clean home, they aren’t at risk of a cockroach infestation. Unfortunately, roaches are equal opportunists, and if your home provides them with three basic things, they will move in. Those three things are shelter, food, and water. Even if it’s not ‘dirty,’ having even a little bit of clutter provides roaches with the shelter they desire to reproduce. Having loose food, or food that isn’t properly stored, is also very appealing to them. Lastly, having moisture buildup or leaky pipes provides them with their water needs. All three of these together make your home the perfect environment for roaches to thrive.

Sacramento Cockroach Prevention Tips For Homeowners

Prevention is always the cure. However, it may not be obvious how to prevent a cockroach infestation since they are such equal-opportunity invaders.

Below are some things you can do now to help prevent roaches from invading your home:

When you work with Local Pest Solutions, we will help you implement prevention strategies that are unique to your home and your situation to ensure you can maximize the value of our services.

Call Local Pest Solutions For Sacramento Roach Control And Prevention

If cockroaches have invaded your home, don’t waste your time and money trying to get rid of them yourself. While you can buy many over-the-counter products to help in this endeavor, they are largely ineffective, as roaches are among the most difficult pests to get rid of because of how resilient they are. Here at Local Pest Solutions, our expert technicians are armed with the toughest treatments available on the professional market, allowing them to safely and effectively exterminate cockroach infestations in their entirety. With over 15 years of experience in the pest control industry, our technicians have their treatments and prevention methods down to a science. Don’t let the roaches make you and your family ill; contact us today!