Got Rodents In Sacramento? Why You Should Call The Pros

Rodents in Sacramento, CA are one of the dirtiest pests that plague home and business owners, and in Sacramento. They’re a major problem for many residents of the local area.

Rodents, such as the Norway rat, roof rat, and the house mouse, are the most common in the Sacramento area. They bring a host of problems, as they carry diseases that cause sickness in people and pets. Destruction of household possessions and the structure of the home or building can happen due to their constant gnawing. Even more, rodents  severely damage the reputation of a business. And, in worst-case scenarios, they damage homes beyond repair.

Rodents are far too dangerous for homeowners to overlook or attempt to tackle on their own. Read on for more about the dangers of having these rodents in our homes and why common ways to handle rodent infestations often fail.

What Types Of Rodents Invade Sacramento Properties?

Here’s a bit more about the three most common rodents that invade Sacramento homes and businesses:

What Are The Dangers Sacramento Rodents Pose To Property Owners?

Rodents, particularly rats, are one of the dirtiest pests because of the sources of food they choose and the places they go to acquire their food. Rats are scavengers, meaning they’ll eat almost anything so long as it’s available, from pantry items, pet food, and food discarded in the trash to animal feces, rotting food, and roadkill. From these foul sources, rodents pick up bacteria, which they transport into our homes and businesses.

Rodents’ gnawing behaviors are also damaging as well as downright dangerous. They are chew on all sorts of materials, from soft metals, like lead and copper, to harder materials, such as wood and plastic. Casings around electrical wiring and pipes are particularly vulnerable, creating a fire risk. Rodents destroy insulation to build their nests, but they’re also use anything available to them, including paper, books, clothing, and fabric.

The only “good” news is that if a rodent infestation occurs, it’s almost always either rodents, but never both. Rodents are known to kill and feed on mice, which is why mice try to steer clear of them.

Why Common Ways To Handle Rodent Infestations Often Fail

Typical attempts to eradicate rodents include using traps and poisons, but these are only successful to a point. Traps may only eliminate a few rogue rodents here and there, but they won’t remove an infestation. The effectiveness of poison is also limited—and potentially dangerous. If misapplied, rodent poison can make people and pets sick, and when rodents learn from one another about where the poison is located, they’ll relocate to a new location.

Here’s why rodents are so challenging to control:

  1. They are prolific breeders, with a single rodent able to produce up to 72 offspring in a year! Because of their reproductive habits, the rodent population in your home can double or triple seemingly overnight.
  2. They can chew and fit their bodies through the tiniest of holes. Mice, in particular, can squeeze through a hole the diameter of a pencil and can find their way through minor damages in the foundation and exterior-facing walls.
  3. Rodents are highly intelligent, and once they know where traps or poison are set, they’ll learn how to avoid it.

Get Rid Of Rats With Pest Control Services

Because of rodents’ prolific nature, it’s nearly impossible for homeowners to eradicate them independently. The most effective and safest way to deal with rodent infestations is with help from professional assistance. Check out our blog to learn more about total rodent control.

Local Pest Solutions has a history of more than 15 years in the pest control industry. And as a family-owned business, we treat our customers like family. For help or advice on rodents in Sacramento, call Local Pest Solutions today at 209-812-1595.