Is This Spider In Sacramento Dangerous? Tips To identify Spiders

A spider in Sacramento is never a welcome sight in your home. And while most species aren’t dangerous, they can still occasionally bite you. One of the most common spiders you’ll see in Southern California homes is the house spider – these arachnids tend to be brown or gray, with dark, chevron markings. While they may look scary, house spiders are docile and non-poisonous.

Whether you’re dealing with a harmless house spider or a poisonous black widow, you’ll need to know how to identify a dangerous spider, what to do if you’re bitten, and how to get rid of spiders from your Sacramento property. Read local pest control company reviews.

What Types Of Spiders Are Dangerous In Sacramento, And How Do You Identify Them?

The most common spider species you’ll find around your Sacramento home include:

Out of this list, the only dangerous spiders you need to worry about are black widows and their less poisonous counterparts, the brown widow. Black widow spiders, which you can recognize by the red hourglass shape on their bodies and shiny black color, are not typically aggressive, but they can bite – and they are dangerously venomous.

Black widows can be tricky to find as they frequently hide in secluded, dark areas such as cracks and crevices, the corner of your basement, your garage, or even a woodpile.

Brown widows look a lot like black widows, except they are tan in color and have white stripes on their bodies. Some homeowners may mistake black widows for brown widows because adolescent black widow spiders also sport tan bodies with white stripes.

Brown widows are poisonous, but they carry a much smaller amount of venom. You’re likely to find these critters in garages, storage closets, nursery pots, or even your mailbox.

If you believe that you’ve been bitten by either a black widow or a brown widow, you shouldn’t leave the bite untreated. Instead, seek medical treatment immediately.

How To Prevent Spiders From Entering Your Sacramento Home

While you may see the occasional spider from time to time, there are a few steps you can take to prevent spiders from getting inside your Sacramento home:

Some residents in Sacramento County use ineffective methods to fight spiders. For example, some people use pest spray or “bug bombs” to get rid of these critters. But these chemical techniques are rarely effective at getting rid of an infestation. Furthermore, chemical pest control sprays are not all safe for people and pets. It is best to let the pros use these chemicals only when necessary.

What To Do If You See Spiders Around Your Sacramento Home Regularly

While it’s normal to see a spider every once in a while, it becomes concerning if you regularly see spiders inside of your Sacramento home. An infestation, especially a black or brown widow infestation, usually requires the help of professionals like those of us at Local Pest Solutions.

Not only can we identify dangerous species, but our technicians create a customized treatment plan to rid your home of our eight-legged friends. And we prevent them from making their way back inside. If you suspect that you may have a spider infestation, contact us today. At Local Pest Solutions, we are trusted to eliminate arachnids. Be sure to ask us about our year-round pest control bundles that target Sacramento spiders and the pest prey they hunt!