The Best Way To Keep Spiders Out Of Sacramento Homes

We cannot keep spiders out of Sacramento County. But we can help keep them out of Sacramento homes. Do you have spiders invading your home? If so, don’t panic. There are ways to keep them out, and the Sacramento pest control pros at Local Pest Solutions can help. We will discuss the characteristics of common spiders, as well as five no-sweat tips for preventing them from entering your home in the first place. We’ll also tell you the best way to get rid of spiders and their pest prey for good.

Characteristics Of Common Spiders

Spiders generally have eight legs (some may have six or fewer), and two body parts: the cephalothorax and the abdomen. Most spiders also have eight simple eyes, although some may have fewer or no eyes at all.

Most common household spiders are harmless and pose no threat to humans. However, there are a few species of spiders in Sacramento that can be dangerous, such as the black widow and brown recluse. Be on the lookout for these dangerous spiders, as well as any others that may be lurking in your home.

Some Spiders Are More Dangerous Than Others

As we mentioned, there are some species of spiders in Sacramento that can be dangerous to humans:

If you see either of these spiders in your home, it’s best to call a professional Sacramento pest control company like Local Pest Solutions right away. If you’ve been bitten by one of them, seek medical attention immediately.

Five No-Sweat Spider Prevention Tips For Around Your Home

Now that you know a little more about spiders and their habits, let’s talk about how to prevent spiders from entering your home in the first place.

Here are some simple but effective tips on home defense for spiders:

  1. Keep your yard clean and free of debris. Spiders like to hide in dark, secluded areas. If you keep your yard clean and free of debris, there will be fewer places for them to hide.
  2. Repair any cracks or holes in your foundation. Spiders can enter your home through even the smallest of cracks or holes. Be sure to repair any that you find in order to keep them out.
  3. Keep your windows and doors closed. If you keep your windows and doors closed, spiders will have a harder time getting inside.
  4. Use weatherstripping to seal any gaps around windows and doors. In addition to keeping your windows and doors closed, you should also use weatherstripping to seal any gaps. This will further deter spiders from entering your home.
  5. Use essential oils. Spiders don’t like the smell of certain essential oils, such as peppermint oil. You can use these oils to create a natural spider repellent for your home.

These tips should help you keep spiders out of your home. However, if you find that you’re still having problems, it’s best to call a pest control professional like Local Pest Solutions. We can help get rid of spiders in your Sacramento house and keep them from coming back.

The Best Way To Keep Spiders And Their Pest Prey Out

The best way to get rid of spiders and their pest prey in your Sacramento home is to call a professional pest control company like Local Pest Solutions. Our expert bi-monthly pest control services will keep your home free of spiders and their pest prey all year long, so you can rest easy knowing that your family is safe. Contact us today to learn more about our residential or commercial pest control services in Sacramento or to request a free quote. We look forward to helping you keep your home spider-free.